From a seed that was planted during a holiday morning walk along the ocean in Australia's beautiful south west grew an idea. That idea led to a nine-month-long conversation from one side of Australia to the other (thank you Messenger). That conversation culminated in Darren and Kelly getting together IRL for a three-hour brainstorming session (that's Darren on the right, posing in front of some of the thoughts we were throwing around) during which Find Your Spark, the book, was conceived.
Find Your Spark will be released towards the end of 2019. If you'd like to get a head start on some of the concepts we share in the book, you might like to try the Find Your Spark 90-day Journal. If you'd like to be notified about the book's progress, drop your details in below.


From a seed that was planted during a holiday morning walk along the ocean in Australia's beautiful south west grew an idea. That idea led to a nine-month-long conversation from one side of Australia to the other (thank you Messenger). That conversation culminated in Darren and Kelly getting together IRL for a three-hour brainstorming session (that's Darren above, posing in front of some of the thoughts we were throwing around) during which Find Your Spark, the book, was conceived.
Find Your Spark will be released towards the end of 2019. If you'd like to get a head start on some of the concepts we share in the book, you might like to try the Find Your Spark 90-day Journal. If you'd like to be notified about the book's progress, drop your details in below.